I didn't really have time off around the holidays, but I made the most of my evenings to get some progress done on my den! I thought I would be most excited about decorating my bedroom, but this little 6.5' by 6.5' room has really stolen my heart! I was inspired by this old post of
Centsational Girl to add some storage along one wall. However, that many bookcases wouldn't fit in my space by a long shot!! So I am modifying it with two
skinny Billy Bookcases on either end of the same
Besta system.
The good news is that the white skinny Billy Bookcase is on sale...the bad news is that it won't fit in Cam's car! The Besta system fit just fine since it was multiple smaller units (and was 15% off!), so we got all that home last week and I set it up. I was going to use the underframe that Centsational Girl bought, but it was sold out...however it dawned on me that I am going to trim everything out (like she did), so why not just use the feet that they sell? I got nice feet for the front- because I know I will put off buying and installing that trim- but I just got cheaper feet for the back of the unit.
I currently have one white Billy Bookcase, as someone was giving one away for free on Craigslist and they were within walking distance so I was able to just walk it home with my dolly on New Year's Eve. It is quite yellowed with age, but free is free and I may paint it out or just add a door on the front (Ikea sells nice doors for the Billy system).
Right now the whole space is a little less that photo-perfect, but this is progress! Behind the doors I have shoe storage (!) and craft supplies. I am just loving all this storage- and finally being able to unpack my books and remaining knick knacks. I think I might just leave the tops of the units open for baskets- thoughts? Should I buy the height extenders that they sell?
Oh- and the Billys are not as deep as the Besta units, but I kind of like that they are set back as it is much less visible from the doorway that all those extra shelves full of stuff are back there.
All in all, my new Besta storage system cost me $370 with tax, but I think it looks great and totally worth every penny. And thankfully all Besta stuff was on sale for 15% off! I used the following items (since I know Ikea links don't always work right):
Besta Shelf Unit/height extension for base (120cm x 40cm x 64cm)
2 Besta Shelf Units (60cm x 40cm x 128cm)
2 Besta Vassbo doors in solid wood (60cm x 64cm)
2 Besta legs (in the back of the unit)
3 Besta chrome plated legs (In the front of unit- they come in packs of 2, but you need 3 in the front so buy two packs)
Then on each side will be a Billy Bookcase and the whole system should go wall to wall! Of course, this will involve figuring out how to flip the light switch to the outside of the wall, since the bookcase will cover it. My Dad moved one of his before, so hopefully he will help me :). On the Billys I am thinking of getting these
Oxberg doors for $50 each. I also need to get some handles for the Besta's doors at the bottom. I bought the little device to make them push-open doors but I could not get it to work so I gave up.
As for the rest of the room- it is pretty bland. But I did make a sparkly silver cover for my el cheapo folding table!
This was shot with a wide angle lens- do not be deceived on size! |
Eventually I will figure out a permanent for a table in here. I want something big for doing sewing and crafting on (I can't see myself ever using the room as an office. Who wants to stare at a wall? However it is a great craft space and I want to get a good table for that. I am toying with the idea of something wall mounted that can be put up if I need to put guests in here or something. I also may hang a privacy curtain on the inside (that can pushed off to the right side, which will also cover the electrical box in there).
I feel I should also mention that I switched out the lightbulb in here (and in the living room) to a warm white vs the existing cool white. I am not a fan of cool white bulbs! Eventually I will upgrade the fixture in here to something pretty, but for now switching the bulbs has made a world of difference.
And lastly- this room needs paint! I am planning on painting it a fun colour- since it is such a small room anyway- might as well take some risks. Maybe a bright turquoise? Deep navy?