Monday, March 31, 2014

Casey Gets Fit: Week 5

Current Weight: 161.2 (down 3.8 overall!)
BMI: 25.2

I was so shocked to see 161 on the scale Sunday morning (I always weigh myself Sunday morning for consistency). That means I lost over 2 lbs since my last weigh in. I'm not sure if it is a fluke fluctuation, but I was showing in the 162s all week so I know I am down regardless. And now I am back to my pre-Mexico weight! Sigh, one week to put it on, 2 weeks to get it off. Losing weight is hard.

My eating was definitely tested this week! Up until now I have been controlling my own food by not eating out. However on Monday of this week we had a big meeting and ordered thai for lunch from a restaurant with no nutritional information. I ordered two small appetizers instead of my normal Pai Thai and I ate it for two meals (I snack a lot so I can get away with small meals!). Then on Sunday we ordered Chinese food for dinner at my Dad's so I researched "better" options and only took tiny portions of the junk food. Still added up to 1000 cals for dinner!! Thankfully I had been under my calorie count the previous day due to a good workout, so I wasn't worried about being ~200 over. Life is all about balance!

On Friday Cam came over and we made pizza for dinner!

Nothing about this pizza was healthy- I used white flour, real cheese, lots of meat etc. And it was delicious! However I calculated the calories in the whole pie and added up how many pieces I could have and I stuck to that and had veggies as a side. It helps to have someone around to take all the leftovers home!

Finally on Saturday night I headed out to dinner at Pickle Barrel with a friend. I looked up the nutritional information and picked a meal that I was comfortable with (chicken lettuce wraps! mmm). I also worked out that day so I knew I had a bit more wiggle room in the calorie count. Eating out with friends is really more about the company than the food to me- plus there are yummy options that won't cost you a day's calories if you look.

All in all, what I am trying to say here is that a diet does not mean giving up everything you love, it just means smaller portions, better choices, and sticking to a workout plan! I partook in all the deliciousness this past week and I am still down over 2 pounds! And trust me when I say I am not one of those women who loses weight easily. I know there are plateaus in my future, but I am excited now to see this consistent drop. Calculating every calorie that goes into your mouth isn't fun or easy, but I am finding it is sooo worth it!

Today's Pump You Up Song: Krewella- Alive

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