Total kilometres run: 623.5
Total kilometres this week: 38
Week 15's runs:
Tuesday: 10km (6:14 min/km avg pace)
Thursday: 10km (5:47 min/km avg pace)
Saturday: 8km (6:45 min/km avg pace)
Sunday: 10km (6:34 min/km avg pace)
*cue epic music*
This is it!! Less than a week to go until my first marathon!! I am equal parts nervous and excited. I'm not foolish enough to believe that this marathon will be a cakewalk- it is a tough distance for even seasoned runners, and I am running it for the first time AND I am under-trained thanks to my stupid IT Band.
But the knee has been feeling good and my spirits are high and I am just plain excited to run this race and see what happens!
I am also totally lost on pacing. I haven't really decided how conservative to be in the first half. It would suck to realize I could have finished in a faster time. But it would also suck to hit "the wall" at km 22 and realize I still have 20.2 more to go!!
Anywho, some people have been asking about the race because they want to come see me run (yay!). HERE is the race map. And the marathon starts at 7:30, though I am in the last corral (they have starggared starts that let the faster people go first) so it is possible I might not start until 8:00am or even later! I have no idea how many people are in this race.
Also, I am of the understanding there will be a way to track my progress live and if I get the details at the race expo on Friday I will share them!!
Good Luck on Sunday!!!