Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Half Marathon Training Begins!

Run run run, as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the half-marathon training (wo)man!!

I started my training this week! Each week I have 4 runs to complete that will hopefully enable me to run for over 2 hours in October and complete my first half marathon. I am following the sub- 2:30 training plan in my RunKeeper app. For the record, the training program is easier to follow in miles so I am switching to miles for the next few months (sorry fellow Canadians).

I typed up all my scheduled distances into Ical and printed it out and put it on my fridge. I am hoping that crossing off each run will help to visually keep me motivated and on track.

My running dates are Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and I am planning on doing weights every Wednesday, but naturally this will all be pretty flexible as I work around summer plans.

The first couple weeks are pretty easy runs for me (this week is all 3 mile runs!), but then as I go further in the schedule I get more and more nervous. On Aug 9th I am supposed to run 10 miles- which is the furthest I will have ever run!! And that is just 6ish weeks away! And then in September it has me running basically a half-marathon 3 weekends in a row!

However, I just need to remind myself to take it one run at a time. If I stay on track I should be able to conquer all those runs!

I am enjoying following the training on the app (you know, one whole day in). It lets me know what pace I am supposed to be running at for each run, and it is set up to tell me how I am doing every 5 minutes so I will know if I am on target. I think on interval runs it will tell me when to switch it up too.

I had debated signing up for the Running Room half-marathon training program, but my summers can get so chaotic I just decided to do my training through the app. And, of course, I have this blog to be accountable to and I will be writing about my training as it progresses!

PS- Happy Canada Day!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I'm always so impressed by anyone who decides to run a marathon.. I am the laziest person ever. Can't wait to hear all about it!


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