Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The End of Coke Zero in this Condo!

I am trying to make a move towards healthy eating. I think all the running I did for my 10K run really started to make me think about the way I treat my body and the things I put into it. Plus I watched a bunch of documentaries about the food industry on Netflix that got me thinking about my diet (I always take documentaries with a grain of salt, but there were some good points made). I am not necessarily the WORST eater; I try to eat fruits and veggies every day and for most days I would say I eat roughly the amount of calories that I should.

But I am not getting any younger and I notice more and more how junk makes me feel cruddy. That, and I wouldn't mind shedding a few pounds to help improve my exercise and look a little tighter in a bikini ;). I just turned 27, and as you get older it is harder and harder to get fit. So, while I have been making a lot of changes to my diet over the past year by cooking more, reducing pre-packaged goods, and eating smaller portions, there is still one evil product constantly in my house: Coke Zero.

Now, people go back and forth on the studies around diet colas, but there is just more and more coming out about how diet pops actually make you crave more carbohydrates and sugary junk because it messes with your insulin levels. You can choose to believe it or not, but you can't argue that there is anything necessarily healthy in Coke Zero. There are no vitamins or minerals...just flavours and fake sugars. And I do notice that I snack more when I am drinking a pop, so I believe the studies are right.

I am completely addicted to Coke Zero. I honestly drink 15-20 cans per WEEK. And when you consider that I can't easily carry home cans of pop from the store I often am paying $5 for only 8 cans or $2 for a bottle at lunch. That adds up to a lot of money for a product I do not need in my diet. I also noticed that I tend to get bloated and get headaches if I drink too much Coke Zero. It really doesn't make me feel good. I would try switching to regular Coke (I have no problem with real sugar in moderation), but I would just drink so much of it that I would put on weight.

So I am going cold turkey!
I actually started this last week so I am about 10 days into my Coke Zero-free life. My general plan is to stop drinking cola flavoured drinks for a month to get the cravings out of my system. Then I will only go back to drinking it on occasion (like if I am out for dinner or maybe need to mix something with rum), but I will NOT purchase another case. I am also trying to move away from pop completely- I had one sprite on the weekend, but otherwise I have been drinking mainly water and green tea (so I don't have to deal with caffeine withdrawal). I need to retrain my body to ask for water when thirsty and not pop!

I am actually surprised that I have gone 10 days already. I have tried this before and have always failed, but I think the nice weather (lol, well not recently), mixed with my new love of running and exercise has made the transition easier. Plus I have been drinking water like crazy to make sure I don't get thirsty! Already I feel better day to day (sometimes I have a second green tea in the afternoon if I need a caffeine boost) and my stomach feels so much better because I am no longer bloated from pop.

Have you ever given up something you loved, but knew was no good for you? Please share your story in the comments so we can all be encouraged to try to get a tiny bit healthier!


  1. That's great! I pretty much gave up soda for the same reason--it's expensive compared to free water. It takes a little while but you would be surprised how much you don't like it when you stop drinking it! Good luck!

    1. ya part of my technique to avoid it is to visualize it being a can of chemicals that will make me bloated and have headaches. I definitely am turning myself off of it!

  2. Good for you! I thought coke zero had nothing in it...?? If I crave a coke I have PC caffeine free diet also is low sodium. Most soft drinks have lots of SALT - also NOT helping with your weight loss and also NOT good for you. I drink TONS of water. I put a squirt of MIO in it - makes me drink more as it has a bit of flavour added, but no calories or caffeine. More water is GOOD! YOU GO GIRL!

    xo Sheila

    1. Ya diet pops have "sugar substitutes" in them, which studies keep showing is not good for weight loss. Im either going with real sugar or no sugar! I didnt know about salt in pops! gross

  3. Good for you! Going cold-turkey is hard but you can totally do it. :)

    I gave up gluten and dairy. :P But I had to so that doesn't really count. I have been trying really hard to cut back on sugar though and have been mostly succeeding at it. With the occasional failure, like baking a batch of cookies this week. :(

    1. Gluten and dairy are HARD. I know you did it for medical reasons, but it sure doesnt make it any easier.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. So proud of you Casey-pie))) as you know i have been battling with my nasty addiction of smoking for a while now. And lately i completely gave up the battle. But honestly feeling a little inspired right now! maybe i should give it another shot

    1. never hurts to try, sweetie! You know Vee and I are behind you!!

  6. Does Coke in Canada actually have real, cane sugar? In the US it doesn't. Despite what the website says (believe me, I just looked at a can in my office - it is HFCS). Regular Coke or Pepsi is made with high fructose corn syrup. The diet versions are made with sugar substitutes such as aspartame.

    When I was in high school I used to drink a can or two of Diet Pepsi every day. I stopped drinking it and lost 10 pounds! Now the only pop I'll drink is Cherry Pepsi, on occasion. Like once a month, if that. I just don't like the taste anymore. Good luck!

    1. ya Im not sure. I dont have a can to check now! haha

  7. you go girl, woot woot. regular coke for LIFE

  8. AWESOME!!!

    I used to be a Diet Coke FIEND- at least 3 times a day!!

    I didn't put on weight, I didn't have any migraines, and generally felt good.

    Then I started reading up on Aspartame and just quit cold turkey. I don't know what's in Coke Zero but aspartame is super super bad for us.

    It was hard to quit but I did- for a whole year! Then I slowly let it back into my system. Very soon after I started craving it again so now I don't drink soda/pop at all.

    I don't have self control and when I slowly let it back into my system the cravings became stronger. That was my one adverse reaction to diet drinks- addiction.

    You can totally give it all up- like you said, there isn't anything healthy in those drinks, nothing your body needs! You can totally do it!


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